Baby Time Jones Library

Update November 6, 2017: The fall baby time session is now over but it will resume in about a month for the winter session.

I’m so excited the fall session of baby time has started at Jones library. Baby time is a 30 minute song circle and unlike the Beaches library location it is a drop in programs so you don’t need to preregister.

Baby time is for babies newborn to 18 months and there is also another song circle called “Family Time” that is for older children, although it is still targeted at preschool ages.

Family time includes a combination of stories and songs and it is one of the best song circles in the area for infants. Always includes lot of kneebouncers and interactive songs for infants that include things like tickling or identifying body parts. There is also usually some guitar playing at the end.

Baby Jakey Listening Closely to a Story


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