Baby’s First Year

Location: 1619 Queen Street East (Queen and Coxwell)
Regular Hours: Wednesday 11:00-12:30
Ages: 0-12 months

Baby’s first year in a drop-in group for parents and their babies under 1 year. This group was one of my favourite activities on maternity leave I attended almost every time it worked out with naptime.

The group focuses on social discussion between moms but also includes a baby song circle and a question period to ask the staff anything about babies development. There are of course also toys to keep your baby entertained. They even serve a snack and coffee.

The baby song circle is one of the best ones for young infants and includes lots of songs for a non-mobile baby such as “Charlie Chaplin went france”. Not to say they are good for your older infant too though. Jacob still loves that song and he is 13 months now.


  • Opportunity to ask questions about baby’s development
  • Song circle
  • Free snack & coffee
  • Socialize with other moms
  • Toys for baby to play with

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