Bruce PS Drop In

Location: 51 Larchmount Ave, Toronto, ON (Bruce Public School)
Website: TDSB Website
Regular Hours: Monday- Friday 9am – 1:00pm
Age: 0-6 years

The Bruce drop is a small infant friendly drop. They have a water table, a sandbox, crafts and lots of toys. Circle time is at about 10:30. There is almost no information online about the drop in or monthly calendar but they are open every day during the school year except for winter school holidays. They are closed all summer. Marie who runs the drop in is extremely friendly, animated, and does a good circle and story time. Continue reading “Bruce PS Drop In”

Baby Love at SRCPC

Location: Queen and Saulter (Behind the library)
When: Monday afternoons for 10 weeks from March 4th-May 6th
Age: 0-12 month old babies & their caregivers
Cost: Free

I’ve written briefly about my experience doing baby love with my first child when I wrote about the south riverdale child-parent center here:

I wanted to post now that they’ve announced they will be running another class series. This is a great program on with an attachment parenting philosophy. I met lots of great moms there too. The class has a mix of activities to entertain babies as well as talking about parenting activities.

Get in touch with staff at south riverdale if you are interested in joining.

South Riverdale Child-Parent Centre

Location: Queen and Saulter (Behind the library)
Regular Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday: 9 am to 1:30 pm, Tuesday: 1pm – 5:30pm, Saturday: 9am – 12:30pm
Age: 0-6 years

The south riverdale drop-in is my favourite drop-in especially for infants and toddlers. It is also one of the only ones that keep their website up-to-date! You can find their latest schedule here:

It is much smaller than most drop-ins which are like gyms so they cater much more to infants. Circle time has more baby friendly songs. They are also one of the only drop-ins that are open in the afternoon (Tuesdays only). Wednesday there are generally field trips (must pre-register).

Continue reading “South Riverdale Child-Parent Centre”

Jimmie Simpson Gym Time

Location: 870 Queen Street East
Website: Toronto Parks Website
Regular Hours: Varies but usually 3pm to 6pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday (check above link under drop-in programs listed as Recreation Fun and Play with Caregiver)
Ages: Under 5

The Jimmie Simpson Rec center offers a drop in play time for babies under 5. It is one of the few free activities offered in the afternoon, it is usually offered October – April. There are no staff like a drop in center, it’s basically free play with a variety of toys in an open gym. There are a great assortment of toys to play with and it’s great for a moving baby/toddler. There is no registration you just walk in and can use a variety of toys while you are there. There are slides, lots of push toys, ride-on toys, and climbing structures.

Sometimes the gym isn’t available a small room is used instead. This can be very loud due to echoes which may be overwhelming for some children who are sensitive to noise. If this is a major concern you can call ahead and check.

Continue reading “Jimmie Simpson Gym Time”

Parent Resources

Location: 1117 Gerrard St. East (Leslie and Gerrard)
Regular Hours: Monday–Friday 9am – 12:30pm, Saturday 9:30am – 12:30pm
Ages: 0-6 years

Parent Resources is a free drop in center that is also open on Saturdays during the school year. Generally it is open from 9:00am until 12:30pm but sometimes they have field trips so be sure to check their schedule online.

Continue reading “Parent Resources”

EYET Toronto Centre Rosedale

Location: 80 Sackville Street (Inside the school)
Regular Hours: Monday- Friday 9am – 12:30pm
Age: 0-6 years

EYET is a drop-in center that also runs a variety of programs. It’s a little bit west for me but some of the programs are definitely worth it. In September for example they had free infant sign language workshops.

Continue reading “EYET Toronto Centre Rosedale”