Jimmie Simpson Gym Time

Location: 870 Queen Street East
Website: Toronto Parks Website
Regular Hours: Varies but usually 3pm to 6pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday (check above link under drop-in programs listed as Recreation Fun and Play with Caregiver)
Ages: Under 5

The Jimmie Simpson Rec center offers a drop in play time for babies under 5. It is one of the few free activities offered in the afternoon, it is usually offered October – April. There are no staff like a drop in center, it’s basically free play with a variety of toys in an open gym. There are a great assortment of toys to play with and it’s great for a moving baby/toddler. There is no registration you just walk in and can use a variety of toys while you are there. There are slides, lots of push toys, ride-on toys, and climbing structures.

Sometimes the gym isn’t available a small room is used instead. This can be very loud due to echoes which may be overwhelming for some children who are sensitive to noise. If this is a major concern you can call ahead and check.

Playing at Jimmie Simpson Rec Center
One of the many push toys available

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