Location: 836 Danforth Ave.
Website: https://www.mini-nastics.com/music-class.html
Regular Hours: Wednesday & Friday 12pm-1pm
Ages: Mostly under 2 years but open to older children
Cost: $5
Mini-Nastics is usually a bit further north than I usually wander but in this case it’s definitely worth it. They provide such an excellent value for 5 dollars. They offer an excellent song circle which includes keyboards and guitar. My son was very entertained by the keyboard. After the song circle, which is about 30 minutes, there is free play in the gymnasium. This includes a trampoline and lots of things to climb if you have a little mover. I love that it is a drop-in too since it’s so hard to plan/commit to things with Jacob.
They also offer a variety of gymnastic classes for walking and up. Definitely something I would consider registering for in the future.